artpatent team

Karel Růžička

attorney at law

Karel is a graduate of University of WestBohemia in Pilsen and Metropolitan University Prague. Already during hisstudies he worked in a legal office with a general agenda, where Karel acquiredknowledge mainly in the field of corporate and administrative law. He isregistered with Czech Bar Association since 2014. Karel’s experience is mainlyin intellectual property law, competition law, contract law and labour law.Karel joined artpatent in 2016.


  • University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Faculty of Law (diploma thesis „European Monetary Union and Acceptance of Euro by States of Former Eastern Block” - 2014)
  • Metropolitan University Prague, International Relations and European Studies (bachelor thesis „European Monetary Union“ – 2013)

Working Experience:

  • International Law firm specialized in corporate law, labour law and IP law (2013-2015)
  • artpatent (since 2016)


  • Czech Bar Association
  • International League of Competition Law (LIDC)


  • English